Custom Made Flower Essence Blend 1oz
Choose up to 9 flower essences, gem elixirs and/or environmental essences to include in your custom blend. We will craft your blend with love and intention. Flower Essence blends are mixed in a base of spring water and your choice of either organic brandy or organic vegetable glycerin as a preservative.
Please include the chosen essences in the notes section along with your choice of preservative.
For help choosing flower essences, please see this FES guide which lists each of their flower essences along with Bach Flower Remedies by HealingHerbs and a short inidcation of each one:
FES Flower Essence Guide
If you need further help deciding on flower essences, please email me at
Flower Essences Avaible:
FES Quintessentials
FES Range of Light
Alaskan Essences:
Healing Herbs
FES Quintessentials
FES Range of Light
FES Research Essences