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Shop Flower Essences

Flower Essences are vibrational remedies that work on your emotional-well being, and soul development. They are a gentle but effective way to help release limiting beliefs as well as entrenched behavioral patterns. Flower essences contain the energetic imprint of the flowers they were created with. 
We are proud to offer flower essences and flower essence formulas from FES (Flower Essence Services)  produced on a biodynamic certified garden located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas in California as well as Bach flower essences prepared by HealingHerbs in the UK using the methods outlined by
Dr. Edward Bach. We now also offer flower essence formulas by Alaskan Essences who use "A Threefold System of Healing" incorporating flower essences, gem elixirs and environmental essences in their formulas.
Alaskan Essence formulas are available in sprays which contain essential oils and by dropper bottle. 
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