What is Biofield Tuning?

Biofield Tuning is a therapeutic sound healing modality that uses tuning forks on and around the body to aid in relaxation and bring the body back into balance.  

Therapeutic sound can help relieve stress and tension as well as calm and relax the nervous system. After a session, many clients have reported feeling lighter/brighter, a deep sense of relaxation, and better mental clarity.

What to Expect During A Session?

During a standard Biofield Tuning session, I use an unweighted tuning fork to work in the electro-magnetic field around the body. Starting at the outer edge, I activate a tuning fork and work my way slowly toward the body. I am feeling for any pockets of resistance or stuck energy and moving it to the body to be reintegrated and processed. I am also listening for dissonance in a person's field and reflecting that sound back to the body, which, as research has suggested, helps the body "auto-tune" itself. This release of stuck energy and clearing of dissonance creates a resonant free flow of energy in the body, helping to heal the physical, mental, and emotional. 

How Many Sessions Should I Receive?

If you are new to Biofield Tuning, I strongly recommend booking a minimum of Three 90-minute sessions scheduled a week apart to receive the most benefit. While one session can be beneficial, a series of three sessions or more received every week or every other week can help to heal and shift long-held trauma. Each session builds upon the other, and meaningful shifts can happen as we work to peel away the layers. Once you have received a series of at least 3 sessions, you can schedule them every few weeks or once a month as a "tune-up". 

Cautions & Guidelines (For A Full List See

It is recommended that people with the following conditions should not receive Biofield Tuning:

  • Active Cancer

  • Acute Illness

  • Pregnancy

  • Electrical Medical Implants

  • Recent Concussions

“You are vast. You contain multitudes. What has been obstructing that knowing and being is just a story; distorted waves in space that can be •tuned• back to their underlying harmonious perfection. Beneath the noise in the signal and stories of victimhood and struggle, you are simply one with the unified field, the cosmos itself – you are the universe. And from that perspective everything is possible.”

― Eileen Day McKusick, Electric Body, Electric Health
Founder of
Biofield Tuning